Sunday, May 3, 2015

First World Rants: Merry Marvel Month: Spider-Man ONE MORE DAY

First World Rants: Merry Marvel Month: Spider-Man ONE MORE DAY: SPIDER SENSE SAYS THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!!!!  I am putting this one here as man, it pisses me off. While the clone saga(which I will g...

Merry Marvel Month: Spider-Man ONE MORE DAY


I am putting this one here as man, it pisses me off. While the clone saga(which I will get too, trust me) was bad this, THIS was a whole new level of stupid and I hate that it had to involve Spider-Man. Sadly it was part of the clone saga but he is the flagship guy for Marvel for years.

This was a four part story in 2007, it connected all three of the main Spider-Man titles written by J. Michael Straczynski and Joe Quesada. I hate to even talk about this as it is so beyond stupid, the reasons behind it, what it does, WHY both the Marvel team and Peter choose this path and what happens because of it.
Just seeing this makes me feel gross.

So lets swing into ONE MORE DAY and try and survive it.

So the main reason behind the idea seems to be that Joe Quesada and many at Marvel refuse to let Spider-Man/Peter Parker grow up. They can't seem to write him as an adult and Quesada more then most thought the idea of a married Spider-Man was stopping them from writing stories for the next 20 or 30 years, why that would stop you from writing stories I don't know but it was considered a HUGE reason.
Am I dying?

So we have Aunt May, you remember Aunt May right, she was and is important for raising Peter and is part of his support cast but at this point since he is a GROWN MAN she is not needed quite as much.  She gets shot by a bullet meant for Peter Parker and of course he resorts to 1990's emo Peter and whines about losing everyone dear to him and forgets he all grown up now.  I don't mean to sound callus but we lose people, it happens in the real world and in comics. 

We age, they age. People are killed by Cancer or Super Villains. It sadly happens and Aunt May is like 95 now, she has maybe 2 or 3 years left anyhow. This could have been a growing point and a stepping stone to move Peter and Mary Jane up and on with their lives together, make Peter stronger in a way and bring them even closer together.
Spider-Man meet THE DEVIL!

Instead, Spider-Man, the man whose moral compass puts Superman's to shame, the flagship of Marvel. The man who worries and cries when a loved one gets a hang nail turns to MEPHISTO, WHO IS THE DEVIL for Marvel. That's right, clean cut, do the right thing, Peter Parker calls up THE DEVIL!! Seriously!

He wants to make a deal, He wants Aunt May saved as the bullet was meant for him and he can't stand to see Aunt May die, again not trying to be a dick but really? She has to die sooner or later and you have survived her "dying" before.  Your acting like your 10, not a grown up and that is stupid. So here we have Peter Parker and Mary Jane dealing with THE DEVIL.

Granted Peter went to EVERYONE before, Mr. Fantastic, Beast, Tony Stark, even Dr. Doom but somehow NONE of them could help with a gun shot?? So Mephisto agrees to save her but Peter and Mary Jane have to give up their love. Their Love you ask? Not just their marriage but the whole history of it. They have to give it all to Mephisto, the whole time. The marriage will have NEVER have happened!
Yes, I would gladly give up my marriage for Aunt May.

Quesada said he felt the deal with the devil was more heroic then a everyday divorce which would me MJ and Peter giving up on their love...Stupid. He does turn to The High Evolutionary and even travels through time with Doctor Strange but gets injured in the process.  A little girl appears to Peter and says he has the answers to his problems.  After they agree to the deal, with MJ adding some other offer for Mephisto clear every one's minds that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, we found out the little girl was supposed to be their daughter but that will never happen now.

So Peter wakes up in bed, again living with Aunt May (YAY FOR HUGE JUMPS BACKWARDS) and Harry Osborn is somehow alive again, he has been hiding out in Europe...Sigh, I fucking hate this story.  At one point, Peter encounters a comic book reader and in a speech he all but says comic book writers are just sad lonely people who have to have a false world and heroes to look up too as our live is so disappointing.  HEY Quesada and any part JMS had in that, FUCK OFF.  Your insulting the very people buying your stuff.
So this is no more...He gave that up.

So the marriage is wiped, No one knows who Spider-Man is and Peter is back with his Aunt May. Years of building them and him up and finally getting him to act a bit like a grown man, gone. Wiped out by one of the stupidest things ever all because Quesada felt there were no stories to tell about a married Spider-Man. A big FUCK YOU to all the long time fans and we see MJ and Peter as the same party....ah well. 
Now, lets give up our love and sex.

This killed Spider-Man for me, I have no idea what he is currently doing nor do I care. The insults, the piss poor story, the reasons behind it. All beyond stupid, I don't mind major changes to shake things up or even a small change for a bit, like Superman dying or wiping out all but 198 mutants to take chances but their are reasons for that.

They do open up new paths and stories. Their was nothing to be gained by erasing the whole marriage of MJ and Peter. It doesn't add anything, and makes everything take a huge step backward and fixing nothing. Their are other options for people who don't want a married Spider-Man. Ultimate, Miles, and other stories. This was insulting and frustrating, never needed and not asked for.

I would erase this whole story.

I always think of Mallrats and Stan Lee's speech about love and even using MJ and Peter as an example. Then this, Plus having Harry alive....why? What the hell is the point, it makes no sense and piss offed so many fans and critics. Writers and artists. Very few people understood or liked this story. I suffered through Emo Spider-Man during the Smoke and Mirrors crap, Traveller, and even The Clone Saga(don't worry I will get to that mess) but this is what killed my love of Spider-Man.

Sit on this and spin Writers of One More Day
Not just mine but many people, I still refuse to believe SPIDER-MAN of all people made a deal with the Devil.  For someone who really should have been allowed to die off in peace years ago and let Peter move on, but no. Somehow they can think of more stories with a old lady who raised Peter decades ago and not ones with a young couple dealing with having a superhero husband. Seems a couple like that is more story driven then Aunt May.   

Just not One More Day

Monday, December 8, 2014

First World Rants: Holiday Havoc: Wal-Mart

First World Rants: Holiday Havoc: Wal-Mart: So we were doing some Christmas shopping and we went to Wal-Mart as the teen had a voucher from working there to take a percentage off ...

Holiday Havoc: Wal-Mart

So we were doing some Christmas shopping and we went to Wal-Mart as the teen had a voucher from working there to take a percentage off the total.  I have not shopped, shopped there in a long time. I drop in to buy a movie or a quick gift. But really shopping there was awful, I even saw others who were having just a bad a time.

It started out where we spilt up so we could all cover different ground and grab the gifts we needed. So while Shana went to buy some baking stuff, meaning I had no idea what sort of experience she had.  I first went to look for some UT stuff that was there only a month ago, I couldn't find it, I spoke to TWO different employees, the first one had zero idea what I was even talking about, The second remembered the stuff but had no clue to where they may have moved it.

So I walked the entire store and finally found a manager in the Layaway section. While walking I saw a guy losing his mind, he needed something, bullets, I think. But no one was in the sports section nor the hardware section, he needed someone to unlock the cage.  He finally found an employee but she didn't have the key. Guy was furious at that point and I am unsure what happened.

In Layaway, the manager was dealing with two women who said they had something on Layaway but even using two different last names it was not there. They then thought it may be at the 4 points Wal-Mart, they wanted the manager to call that store but you could tell he didn't want to and tried to use the fact I was waiting to talk to him as a reason to avoid it.  I asked him about the UT/Texas stuff, he said it should be across from the pharmacy and when I said I checked it said it may be put away or sold out...I just left.

Then I couldn't find a few other things, I saw a couple ask one of the lady employees I spoke to earlier about where something is and she pretty much just outright said she didn't know and left it at that. I just shook my head and the couple look both confused and pissed.

Finally we all met up and went to get Shana's sewing machine, the thing we really came for and she had talked to a lady about just a few days before. There was no box, just the display model but as the boxes were big we figured there were more in the back.

But of course there were ZERO employees, so we sent The Teen off to find one, it took something like 20 minutes but she returned with a young teen who was stopped by a guy and his daughter looking for something. Finally the kid got to us with and telzon and scanned the display only to tell us it was fully out.  That was all they could do...

This was one of the worst shopping trips I have EVER, EVER taken. I have heard people complain about Wal-Mart before and even I have once or twice but this one time I finally see what some others see. This was awful and I am going to try and avoid Wal-Mart in the future and hopefully spare others the same frustration and anger.

The employees all the way up to the Managers were unhelpful and sometimes complete clueless to what the store had or where anything was, not even a vague idea in some cases. I saw it happen to us and several others as I pointed out before.  I know it has much bigger issues and things going on, this is just a personal experience we had. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

First World Rants: Christmas Carols

First World Rants: Christmas Carols: Seems I am not the only one So now that Halloween is over, but Thanksgiving is not yet here, it is time for Christmas music to start p...

Christmas Carols

Seems I am not the only one

So now that Halloween is over, but Thanksgiving is not yet here, it is time for Christmas music to start playing EVERYWHERE YOU GO. Not so sure about it starting to look a lot like Christmas but it will start sounding like it quickly enough.

Having worked retail almost all my life, I have dealt with Christmas music quite a bit and each year it only annoys me more. I know it is supposed to put you in the mood for the Holiday but after hearing Frosty The Snowman or Alvin and the Chipmunks sing for the billionth time you grow a little tired of it. While my dislike and/or hatred of some songs is greater then others but overall I pretty much shun them all.

I do have a list of "Christmas/Holiday" songs on my IPOD but they are not songs you are likely to hear in stores or eating places. If the songs were only one month, maybe I could deal but it starts at the latest in November, sometimes earlier, and goes on till February in some cases. It drive you mad and I don't see how anyone still enjoys it, maybe if you never shop in stores or don't leave your house or turn on a radio for the three months I am talking about, you may avoid it.

But most people don't have that luxury and so it slowly drive you mad as Rudolph is over and over denied the ability to play in Reindeer games and you MUST have a Holly Jolly Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Bah Humbug I say to that!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

First World Rants: Elite Towing and Recovery/KYMCO Inc.

First World Rants: Elite Towing and Recovery/KYMCO Inc.: Ah, where to start, this one is not for me. This is for some friends who got totally fucked over and screwed by this company.  http://el...