Saturday, June 22, 2013

Famous Chains/Big Names don't equal serving everyone....

I don't normally rant twice in one day but this one bothered me due to some friends I have. When we hang out and go out to eat there are always going to be some disagreements sure, maybe Indian food makes your stomach hurt or you had a few bad times at a local Denny's( 

My point being that today a few of us went to see Man of Steel and afterwords we wanted to eat as it was over 2 hours and none of us had eaten before. As Baby A's was right across the road we headed there first, we took our seats and my friend Phineas asked about Vegetarian/Vegan, and NOTHING on their whole menu could be made Vegan...

So we left, we did a search for local places then P used Laughing Cow or Happy Cow which is an app or website that allows you to find Vegan/Vegetarian places, most of the places the local app pulled up didn't apply...We got something called TacoDeli and we went there, only to find out it CLOSES AT 3!  

P said there were lots of places that cater to Vegans but seriously this is kind of silly, Austin is a cool town and as Shana keeps telling me a town that knows more about health and gluten and Vegan's then anywhere she has lived, her customers at Walgreen's are more knowledgable then any place she has lived before, yet major chains can't get their act together. Vegan is a popular choice and Vegetarian has been for way longer. These are not new things that just popped up.

Everyone should be allowed to eat when we go to a major name or a brand. I am excluding if you market on a certain item. A Burger Bar is not what I am aiming at here but overall you should be able to at least have a few Vegan choices when you go out to your favorite restaurant, Hell Taco Bell has a few Vegetarian/ almost Vegan items you can choose for and its fast food.

Like most things I was more upset over this then the people it affects but it annoys me to see things like this. I find it really lame that either you can't get it or the ones that serve it close early even on THE WEEKENDS. We settled on Kerby Lane which is good but we were in the Gateway/Arboretum area which should have more choices altogether. 

I know this is just me but Vegan is a popular and growing choice, some due to not wanting meat, some due to how thats done, some due to health, some do to having to go full vegan. But it doesn't even matter why, the point its popular places and well known chains need to get on the ball and met the requirments of the people out there or be left behind.

1 comment:

  1. You're definitely not alone in your feelings here. Austin is a large and growing city with a very diverse population and a TON of awesome food places of all types: sit down restaurants, food trucks, fast food etc. I don't think it's too much to ask to be willing to serve ALL your customers.
